
a poetry blog

Monday, January 31, 2011

Monday, January 31

me and my big coat ways
sloping into the year ahead

throwing the net forward
for the coming catch

going the way the fish will run
which is all ways

I don't care how cold you feel, winter
you are dead to me from here

for I know of only two seasons:
going forth and drawing in

Thank you January, and goodbye
what will spring yield to us next?


Saturday, January 29, 2011

What Doesn't Wait for Sunday

the forest fills with trees
and swallows my voice

too much death
more death than days

the living are
somewhere on the other side
I cannot see

my own life
fills a bowl with sand
I cannot lift

I must close my eyes
or look away

for grace

such is
the price of peace


Thursday, January 27, 2011

Four and More

and he's got this hot new guy
his first year with them
on drums -- they call it
the RIdE cymbal
it's big, and it HUMs
like a plate and it hums
and you keep hitting it like this
dah da-da-dah da-da
and they're playing for the NAACP
or something
and so it's for a good cause
which is why it's so pure
there's an energy to the place

and then these cats
see they're not getting pAId right?
only they don't KNOw that
and here they come out for the second half
and then he tells them, Miles
and it's a completely different deal

that's a whole other album
the second half of that concert
at least that's the way I heard it
from the guy who pointed at me
said man that dude can WRITE
and the guy from the place
thought that meant music
the first guy says no
I mean he can


Monday, January 24, 2011

Monday, January 24

only this piece of wax
on only this sound system

behind your granny's desk
in slow motion, half speed

picking bones from our suppers
smoking the formal dining

the night before the day we
cover it all with curtains

wintered tree lights survive
dreaming of the sun's return

love comes home with records
a paper bag and happiness