the old chinese man with big round black glasses
walking a little boy in an Adidas coat
asked for this much more space
held tight to his hand as though
stooping was not unusual
we caught on and understood
in our own waiting way
you were a hip beatnik in a black turtleneck
that day
and I got my sneakers from your trunk
you honked at the haunted world with me
the german shepherd on the steps
a hummingbird at your side
I said he doesn't want to eat you
sometimes the grizzly just removes a threat
in defense a predator attacks
in those days I learned to fight in
ten steps
leaned on you to accept my crutches
and can
remember embracing the excitement
then it misted like firmament
and the day turned winter cold
up jumped toothed daggers
dark and whooshy out now
baby bison and herds of caribou
roaming the tundra outside
and I'm typing in all caps at
night when the sun
never sets
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