
a poetry blog

Friday, July 29, 2011

Sustainable Enthusiasm

look if you don't like it
you don't like it

I'm not going to hold you accountable
for not understanding

hell I don't have patience for some of the
stupid things I have on me to say either

sure back when my nutsy rages were unmanageable
I'd rant and capture every hurtful word

double spaced on pink and blue ruled paper
just like I was schooled to do

but now the person up there is paddling a boat
and here I am floating in the ocean

I said that person is paddling around in a boat
and I'm floating out here in the whole ocean



  1. Dip dip and swing, my friend. Dip dip and swing.

  2. Post scriptum: I can actually hear your accent in this one. It has nice cadence. I bet that it sounds cool when you read it aloud.
