
a poetry blog

Monday, March 21, 2011

Funk & Fauntleroy Haggis

Narrow like a bat, fast
as a swallow and with
thick eyebrows drawn.
Hawky, all beak, with a sash.
Fluffy legs, a kitty hawk
pulling a dog in a cart.
A one man band and I his
sole audience, conscience
and blessed better.

Mother took the quiet child
and taught it to perform, dad
took the wild one home to silence.
Trading bristle blocks from the
shared bedroom closet like
cagey market keepers.

The rock sculpture creek
where I go to clear my head.
To see and hear that
my head is not clear.
To put my thoughts in a
bubble and hold them afloat.
My senses in a pebble with
all else rushing past.


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