
a poetry blog

Sunday, March 27, 2011

On Went We, Fairly or Very

We saw the angel, smaller than remembered,
two pennies for two of us in her hand
held on her breast over her heart.
You had a shoelace untied,
got right up on things.
I was a field mouse
and a doormouse.

You couldn't decide which you liked best --
wind or rain, but probably wind.
Then it started to snow and you said it was magic.
Picked up a pack of cigarettes, kept two
and threw the rest away.
And I saw you look at me coming out
but not going back.

What if the short phrases in the scheme of things,
clear and direct, do the best at keeping up
with imagination and life and the rest,
strung together like arms of geese.



  1. I really like this, read the first three lines over and over, satisfying!

    Please tell her no need to throw ciggies away, i am a ferocious smoker who currently makes no apologies...


  2. ps, i deleted my comment on one of your other poems because when i stumbled upon it later all i could think of was 'was i out of my head?' didn't seem like it was in the right spot. or the right words. or something. oops. sorry.

  3. No worries :) And will pass that message along, haha!

    Also I added a picture of the angel in question. Thought you might appreciate it, and thank you for the comment :)

  4. Lisa, that was years ago, before I accepted that I am a smoker! =)
