
a poetry blog

Thursday, March 17, 2011

White Room Waterboarding

Four score, full boar, and seven paralympics ago
we set out upon this great Norwegian furnished
land of incomparable merchandise and delights
as adventure and experiment with no probability
of success, no sustainable beliefs by which to
suspend our claims and incoherent dreams.

Come Donner, Dasher and Blitzen 'til the Anti-
christ's arisen, you fornicators fixen ta feel
the true christ's derision spouting ridiculous
blunt logic with a sword and a diamond in a
diadem slanted forced entry freely and solemnly
sworn in as soon to be forsaken testimony.

From the shadows of fundamentalism I come, an
emasculated iconoclast pseudoscientific zealot
complete with the naturalist name change and
Renaissance Man makeover brandishing mirrors
and threatening immolation, again seeking to
become now a man. A new sign along the road:

Will work for pleasure.

I sprung up like a woodchuck and took out the
trash, a multilayered eighteen bagger, and said
"Ohska wahskas, I'm still watching you Wakeezie,
Ohio to liken ohahno to take in ohaka Obamaskin
osama bin ladistan with razor sharp hornistans."



  1. I like your writing and this is full of fabulous words! :D

  2. Your post about gratitude not expressed reminded me... thank you for the encouragement and I appreciate your comments :)
