
a poetry blog

Sunday, February 6, 2011

The Cracks in the Ceiling

I wrap my head in a towel
breathe through the damp fabric
slow my heart

sit on the edge of the tub
the lip of a clawfoot
like a highwire

I hear tightening and loosening
a muffled hum
the porcelain creaks

I am a child in bubbles
floating on my back
ears gurgling

looking at the ceiling
the dirt in the faucet
green and orange and white

the feeling passes
the water grows cold; I
lay the towel on my shoulders



  1. love it! so evocative, I really see and hear it

  2. It's true. Your words have come alive. Keep digging, XO.

  3. Thank you both! Bringing out the sense details pulls more of me into a piece, which probably explains why I resist it so much. I appreciate the encouragement :)
