
a poetry blog

Friday, February 4, 2011


and every once
in a while I land
in the present

where I am blessed, no
endowed with
slackjawed optimism

because you chose me
out of all others
to love you

you let me watch you change
let me know your shadow
and hear it when you said

"It still exists: the trick is
to just move through it,
not fight against it."

and every once
in a while I fall
from those places



  1. Oh, wow. Wow. This one. I like this one best. Yes, this one. Beautiful. Passionate. Lovely love. This one.

  2. Thank you! I feel like I'm getting there :)

    Seriously I appreciate the encouragement, and thank you for reading!!

  3. this is great. i love the expression 'move through it'. i used to think it went away, but it doesn't. moving through it, YES!

  4. It felt really important when Chris said it - I wrote it down on the back of a library slip!

    I was also excited how this piece ended up like a circle, since each time through I felt it that much deeper :)
